Thursday, January 3, 2008

First Post 2008

Well a new year has started! 2008 wow can you believe it! That means I have known my hubby for 5 years to the day on New Years.

We spent New Years "weekend" at the in-laws, doing 2nd christmas, and new years. I think we have done that twice so far. There church does this thing, the Sunday before New Years called Sticks in the Fire. It is supposed to Represent giving something to God. (that is how i can best describe it) Basically you get a little kindling stick and give it to God for the thing you are trusting him to take care of that year. If you want to can tell the church what it is for, or if you want to tell them about your blessings, or you don't have to say anything. It is kinda interesting, the first year me and my hubby just watched. This year we both put sticks in.

Well..... thats pretty much it for the New year so far, nothing exciting going on....

Oh Well, I did book a job for a wedding coming in the summer! yeah!

Talk to you all later

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