Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ok, ok, so it has been a while since I've gotten a chance to blog. So I guess this will be a catch up on my unexciting life. Well January has been a pretty laid back month, I am catching up on rest from lack there of in December. Had a game night with a few friends recently, which is always fun you know. Been having and attending "Parties". I went to a Pampered Chef Party, and I had a Stampin' Up Party, both fun. Finally got a chance to visit my very pregnant friend on bedrest. Last but not least, i have an eye exam at the end of the month, whoohoo.

Today I finally got my act together, I have been trying to get some exercise into my routine and never did. Well we have this equiptment at work that we are allowed to use, but I never did, cause someone was always looking for me, when I tried to work out. Well today, I finally got around my laziness and set my alarm for 30 extra minutes. So I showed up at work with plenty of time before work to work out. So I got in a nice almost 30 minute work out in! yeah me! Hopefully I can keep it up!

Speaking of work, I now have a "stalker". Its funny and not funny at the same time. What can I say they people who live where I work have mental problems so you really can't take it seriously, but you still gotta be on your guard. Its kinda like a little puppy following you around, the part where it gets weird is when they stand at your office window stairing in at you. What can I say it must be really interesting to watch me work.

Well, speaking of, I should get back to my work.... bye people!


The Gang's Momma! said...

Thanks for having me to your party - it was fun to get out and create :)

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

How was your Brithday!?!? :)
