Friday, December 14, 2007

Jam Packed Schedule

Well next week is so crazy! I have three photo shoots for christmas, meetings with some friends, xmas party at work (with the chance of me doing photos there too), meeting with people about doing there wedding in the summer, throw in a 2nd xmas party with friend, church and bible study. And this is all from Saturday - Thursday.... I think i am going to colapse when I get home from work on friday. Then I gotta get my shopping done for Christmas dinner, cause everyone is my house.

CRAZY... so if you eatch me on the run you know why.

Here are a few holiday photos of some little girls I did.

So enjoy, while I go prepare for next week.


The Gang's Momma! said...

Hey, I know them! Too cute:)

We were at your place of former employment (ahem! sorry!) and did pics this week. Let me tell ya, the place ain't the same since you been gone. But the pics finally turned out okay, and the package I wanted is what I got (had to practically wrestle the manager on that one). And it's all done, for all birthdays till May. Then we're calling you. NOT going there again. And yes, we can talk about you doing a shot or two of us all for the adoption letter. After the madness of the holidays is over . . . Thanks for the offer.

Have a good weekend!

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