Monday, November 17, 2008

A weeks worth of fun!

Well this week was a fun one. Didn't do a ton of stuff, but what I did do was lots of fun. First on Monday night I went to Melissa's house and shot her christmas photos. Tons of Fun! They are all so cute. Didn't do much the reset of the week, but then on Saturday I did Caitlyn's Christmas photos. Also loads of fun! Well not much to tell about everything i guess, so enjoy the photos!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Keeping Busy

Well here is a photo blog again of all the things I have been up to. Two shoots recently and hopefully more to come with the holidays.

Monday, September 29, 2008


October is almost here... can you believe it? Just yesterday it seemed like the beginning of summer and already the fall chill has set in. And don't get me wrong, I love the change of seasons, and the coloring of the leaves. It is like every day God takes some time to color the landscape just a little more than the day before. However, I don't like the fact that it gets cold. And I have to start wearing layers. It is just a chilling reminder that winter is on its way. Once again i can see the beauty in some parts of the weather, but winter to me is just depressing. The trees are dead, its cold, and the darkness of the day seems longer than the light. 

On top of all that, you have to decide who gets what holiday, and who you travel to see when. I am not a nice person when it comes to travel, i hate sitting in the car for more than an hour. And for anyone who has traveled with me you know why. And for those who haven't I can explain in little detail.... I have a small blatter. And the only family that lives within non stopping distance (sorry everyone) is Nana. My brother and his family live about 1 1/2 hours (sometimes i can make it) My mom and dad live 3 hours away, and my husband's mom and dad live 5 hours away. I can't really complain about it thought cause it isn't overseas, and I do get to see my families. But sometimes it does make it hard to visit, you can't just drop by you know. 

One thing is for sure, I have no right to complain about my life. God has blessed me in more ways than I notice sometime. After working in a group home for schizophrenics, I can definitely say there is always someone who has it worse off then me. (I just wish that when I am not feeling well and want to complain i could remember that) To see people that have no control over any part of there life, everything is scheduled, everything is decided for you. Now ok, there is recovery process here and people have goals and they "SAY" they are doing everything to help them, but I know better. I am not trying to be cynical, but after working here for a year I see things that just make me sad sometimes. And then to think about people who could have perfectly normal lives a screw them up of there own accord! Even more sad. 

Those are my thoughts for September... Enjoy see you in October. ;)

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well I know I am a little over due, but WE GOT A DOG!! CHECK HIM OUT!! We got him on our Vacation week. He is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. His Name is Remy. He is about 15 pounds and won't get too much bigger, although he is only 5 months old. Anyway, more to talk about later! Enjoy!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Saturday, Sunday.... where does the time go!

Well I don't know about you, but my weekend was PACKED! Holy cow! I feel like I need a day to recuperate, from the weekend! Whew.... Well it started with an early phone call from the hubby, at like 7:30 he needed a phone number he had left at home. (Fortunately he waited as long as he could to call me)

After breakfast I did a little cleaning. Then went with a girlfriend to check out some dogs! too cute! Back just in time to finish making a few sample pages for the wedding I did before my next photo shoot.
Can you say too cute!So after that was all over, Jason took me to the Phillies game. It was ok, definitely better than watching it on TV. The only problem is I am terrified of falling from heights... we sat in the 300 section. Nice seats, we got to sit on the end of the row, but it took me a few minutes before i would walk down there. Cause you know, when you come to the edge and all you can see is sky and the rest of the stadium, that definitely causes someone with a fear to panic a little. Once I got seated and didn't plan on getting up ever, I got a little more comfortable. Every once in a while I would realize I was up high and get nervous again. Needless to say my hubby was more than gracious to let me cling to him. (notice most of the picture I took are not pointed down at the field)
Look I smiled... at the end of the game. Hey and the Phillies won too. :)
Ok and this was all on SATURDAY....
Day Two.... Sunday

Sunday started with a slightly more rowdy than usual, 2 year old Sunday school class. I seemed to be "Jump on Miss Marie Day" but for some reason, no one told me. :) lol They were a good class, just a little energetic. Never a dull moment.
So then, we went home and I got ready for another photo shoot.... wheew. And lets just say that one took way longer than I planned.

Well after that was all done, we also had a lady come over with her dog she is selling. We are thinking about getting. He was so cute (sorry no photos of him). She had one other person to visit about the dog, and she is still thinking about what she wants to do. We are really hoping she picks us.... I think Jason got attached in the short visit he was here.

Whew, after all that Jason and I just pretty much sat around the rest of the night watching TV. And before you know it, today was Monday again.

Sorry this is really long, and I hope you got to read it all, and I didn't bore anyone with photos. I tried to keep them to not too many. But what can I say, a picture is worth a 1,000 words you know, so the more pictures the less I should say. :)

Hope you Enjoyed!